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Dead-simple steps to motivate your ideal audience — even if you are a beginner writer

In my door-to-door business, I knew I could do one thing: sell to just about anyone.

This means I adjusted to the person whose door opened when I knocked.

I quickly changed pitch, tone of voice even mannerisms if I needed.

Truth be told, it’s much easier to do this when the person is in from you, saying their likes and dislikes.

Not taking away from my accomplishment, as I was rather proud of this, but writing for an audience, it’s a lot harder.

I have discussed the importance of knowing how to market your product correctly.

To write a conveying sales message, you must have a segmented audience.

But you can’t convince everyone to buy your product or service.

If you, instead, focus on a specific audience, this will bring you more opportunities to solve specific pain points, which will bring a bigger conversion rate.

Searching for and solving the audience’s pain points are where your money lies.

To correctly choose your ideal audience before you start writing, you can take these steps:

  • List their objections
  • What they like about a product
  • Main frustrations
  • What motivates purchase
  • What do they expect to achieve with the product: try to go deep so this one to find the underlying emotion that motivates purchase.

With this, you can build your persona to whom you’ll direct your copy.

Different from the targeted audience, the persona is your ideal buyer profile that you write for. It consists of the following:

  • Personal Characteristics
  • Acquisitive power
  • Life style
  • Interests
  • Social media engagement
  • Personal information

There is A WORLD of information online waiting for you.

You have product reviews and testimonials.

Analytics for google, meta and other social media.

Specific tools like ubbersuggest, SEM Ruch, and Ask the people.

But my top secret tip is this: dive into social media platforms.

Dive into Reddit questions and conversations about similar products and services.

Dive into Facebook groups (filled with good questions and pain points).

Dive into Instagram lives and see the questions people ask.

This list goes on.

Find where your product/service/topic is discussed and search for comments, threads etc.

Knowing the above will give you all the important insights about properly motivating your audience, but it will also help you with something else.

Choosing and directing your communication will:

  • Improve the brand’s identity and tone of voice.
  • Knowing the best content to create.
  • Identifying the best channels and events to be in.
  • Knowing the timing of specific actions and product releases.
  • Thinking about the best modifications and improvements you can make.

I hope this story helps you write and sell even more.

Follow me for daily tips about copywriting and sales.

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